Rav Uri Zohar זצ"ל
The Heart & Soul of Lev L'Achim

Massive Increase in Activities, in the Wake of Rav Uri Zohar זצ"ל’s Passing, Results in Thousands More Learning Torah
Rav Uri Zohar זצ"ל stood at the helm of the Teshuvah world, and worked with all his strength to bring ever more Jewish neshamos home to our Father in Heaven. He captured the hearts of people from all walks of Jewish life; With his magnetic personality, Rav Uri drew close tens of thousands of his Jewish brethren who became inspired to live lives of Torah and Mitzvos. His departure left a gaping void in Lev L’Achim’s work. His life-force, his initiative and his encouragement are sorely missed.
After Rav Uri’s passing, the p’eylim of Lev L’Achim redoubled their kiruv efforts l’ilui nishmaso. New Batei Medrash and Midrashot for youth have been established, and thousands of Jews have returned to their heritage. Many have enrolled their children in Torah schools. And hundreds are now learning nightly in Evening Batei Medrash throughout the country.
Thousands of Jews
have returned to their heritage.
To honor Rav Uri’s memory, Lev L’Achim has devoted itself toward the effort to continue this incredible increase of our avodas hakodesh, With siyata dishmaya, we look forward to reaching thousands more neshamos and to continue the Teshuvah revolution Rav Uri nurtured and lead with all his heart and soul.