About Lev L'Achim

The Vision:
To Reach Every Single Neshama

Under the direction of the Gedolei Yisroel, Lev L’Achim reaches out to our as-yet secular brethren in Eretz Yisroel to draw them closer to Torah and Mitzvos.

Our thousands of employees and volunteers have their hands full, attempting to answer every call and maximize every contact to provide young and old alike with the opportunity to embrace the Torah life they never had a chance to know.
While we have been privileged to achieve historic successes, reaching every segment of the population. We dare not rest. Thousands upon thousands of neshamos remain lost waiting for us to come to their rescue. They are ready and willing... once we connect.
With your help, we hope to increase our efforts exponentially until we realize the dream of an Eretz Yisroel united in Torah U’Mitzvos and Shabbos observance.
Thousands upon thousands of neshamos remain lost waiting for us to come to their rescue.donate